Currently the President and CEO of All My Hugs, a family friendly Canadian company created to provide a way for loved ones to connect across distance, across time and across generations. Whether you want to leave a legacy or just connect with the people you love."
Projects for my wife Sabrina, and our three grandchildren, August, Liam and Liv.
a family friendly Canadian company created to provide a way for loved ones to connect across distance, across time and across generations
A free speech centric moderation company that cares about your businesses success and online reputation in an ever changing social climate.
Finally a site where the public can discuss news stories honestly and openly without the fear of being silenced or Ghost Banned.
A library of credentialed, authenticated and verified significant media events. An attempt to verify what is real in an AI world and to capture analogue data to preserve history accurately.
Courses I'm creating in Music Theory and Programming for anyone who loves music or for some insane reason wants to build their own software.
I prefer to be moving and I prefer to be walking when I am.
Local courses offered in micro farming, tactile skills etc.
Dont freelance for peanuts, work for points. Own the projects you develop. Find them here.
We are a business development company that helps you get started with a ready to go solution. Whether you are a single person starting a small business or midsized company we have what you need to hit the ground running
A tool for managing your life while learning all the things you need to know that they didnt teach you in school.
Social Media that is not social. A social conversation wall that you share with one person only.
A podcast where we interview successful people to find out how they did it. Whether it was buying a rental property or starting their business this is where you can learn how they started, and how they made it work.
When spare time happens: Recording Brand New Original 1970s Rock and Roll and building Miniature landscapes and structures.
A perfect property to renovate in Spain, Croatia or maybe even Atlantic Canada with a small farm, outbuildings and a view of the ocean.